血塗られた歴史 Bloodstained History
(帝都アンヴァル・宮城 昼)
Imperial Palace (Enbarr, the Imperial Capital) | Daytime
レア: ああ……Byleth……!あなたが私を迎えに来てくれるなんて……!
Rhea: You... You have come to save me...
Is this... Is this a dream? I have longed to see you again... all this time... Is it truly you?
レア: クロード……、あなたもすっかり、頼もしい青年に成長したようですね……。
Rhea: Claude... I can see you have grown into a reliable young man...
Thank you for supporting the professor, and for rescuing me.
Surely the protection of the goddess has―
クロード: 待ってください、レアさん。
Claude: Wait, Rhea.
What do you know about the children of the goddess?
レア: 眷属……? 何のことです……?
Rhea: Children of... What is this about?
クロード: 失礼、実は帝国の奴からいろいろと託されちまいましてね。
Claude: Forgive my bluntness. Someone from the Empire filled us in on a few things.
I know it must be painful for us to ask you difficult questions after such an arduous confinement.
But we have no choice. We must defeat a secret enemy... Those who slither in the dark.
Do you know about them?
レア: 闇に蠢く者……?
Rhea: Those who slither in the dark...
クロード: 彼らは女神の眷属と地上の人間を恨み、とんでもないことを企んでいるとか。
Claude: Apparently, they resent the children of the goddess and the people of the world, and are planning something big. Something terrible.
レア: ………………。
Rhea: ...
クロード: 連中は、血を使った恐ろしい術を使い、光の杭を落として要塞すら潰せる。
Claude: They use blood for their wicked magic and are capable of dropping javelins of light from the sky, which are powerful enough to crush a fortress.
If you can think of anything at all, please tell us now. We need to know as much as possible about these enemies in order to stop them.
レア: ………………。
Rhea: ...
クロード: フォドラが滅ぶかどうかの瀬戸際なんだ!いい加減に隠し事はやめてくれないか!
Claude: This is the critical moment that will determine whether or not Fódlan falls! Can't you see that the time for secrets has passed?!
レア: ……古の時代より、闇に蠢きフォドラの安寧を脅かす者たちがいたことは確かです。
Rhea: It is true that there is a group of people who have slithered in the darkness and threatened the peace of Fódlan since ancient times.
I am sure you have heard the stories of a man named Nemesis...
Choice 1: “解放王”の…… The King of Liberation...
Choice 2: 天帝の剣の…… The wielder of the Sword of the Creator...
クロード: “解放王”ネメシス。女神より天帝の剣を授かった英雄でしょう。
Claude: Nemesis, the King of Liberation. He's the hero to whom the goddess gave the Sword of the Creator.
レア: ネメシスは元々は盗賊の首領……。聖墓を発き、神祖の亡骸を奪いました。
Rhea: Nemesis was originally the leader of a group of bandits. He plundered the Holy Tomb and stole the remains of the progenitor god.
When Nemesis appeared in Zanado some time later he already wielded the Sword of the Creator.
Choice 1: ザナドに……? In Zanado?
クロード: ザナド……赤き谷か。
Claude: Zanado, the Red Canyon...
Choice 2: どうやって天帝の剣を……? How did he get the Sword of the Creator?
クロード: 神話じゃ、邪神と戦うために女神様から授かったってことになってたよな。
Claude: According to legend, the goddess gifted him the sword to fight against the evil gods.
レア: ネメシスがどうやって剣を手に入れ、なぜザナドに現れたのかはわかりません。
Rhea: I do not know how Nemesis obtained the sword, or why he appeared in Zanado.
But he used that sword to massacre the people there. The children of the progenitor god.
From their corpses he gained even more power, and brought war to Fódlan...
クロード: 待ってくれ……俺たちが知っている神話の中のネメシスとは随分違うぞ。
Claude: That's completely different from what the legends tell us about Nemesis.
レア: ですが、盗賊風情のネメシスに、そんな大それたことはできないはず……。
Rhea: A mere bandit like Nemesis would not have been capable of anything so monstrous on his own...
クロード: ……! そうか……ネメシスには協力者がいたんだ!
Claude: Aha! So Nemesis had accomplices.
And those accomplices must have been those who slither in the dark. They used Nemesis!
And this time they used the Imperial army to once again bring war to Fódlan!
クロード: ようやく理解できてきた。エーデルガルトが何であいつらとつるんでいたのかも。
Claude: I finally get it... And I even understand why Edelgard was associating with them.
Just as they were trying to use the Empire, the Empire was trying to use them.
Rhea, there's still a mountain of things I need to ask you. And I will. But I'll leave all of that for another day.
You must be weak after living in confinement for so long. Please rest for a while.
クロード: きょうだい、俺たちは戦いの準備だ。さっさとシャンバラを叩かないとな。
Claude: My friend... Let's prepare for battle. We need to strike Shambhala as soon as possible.
レア: 血塗られた歴史を……赤き谷の惨劇を、繰り返させてはなりません……。
Rhea: You must not allow Fódlan's bloody history... the Red Canyon Tragedy... to repeat itself...